THE Gizo Island District of the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church in the Western Province has joined the globe to officially launch the ‘I Will Go To My Work Place’ witnessing strategy for 2024.
This strategy aims to see the good news of the Bible shared at workplaces to prepare souls for Christ’s soon return.
Adventist churches nationwide also held their own launching programs on Sabbath at their various districts.
In Honiara the event was held at the Maranatha Hall in East Honiara on Sabbath.
For Gizo Island District, the launching ceremony was held at the main GF Jones Memorial Church at the Western Provincial capital.

Members of all the main churches and their hand churches packed the GF Jones Memorial church to witness the daylong church program.
The program featured two presentations in the morning and these were followed by the main Divine Service to launch the program.
Area Church Pastor (ACP) Vernon Peter officiated in the main Divine Service for the strategic plan launch for this year.
In his sermon to a packed congregation, he reminded them of the imminent need to show God’s light to others, especially at the workplace.
“We must go out to our workplace to bring people to God’s light. We are to show forth God’s glory,” he said.
ACP Peter said just as it was in the days of Noah and Lot, many people are living in a world where people do not know what is wrong and right.
ACP Peter said as a church, everyone has an important role to play in sharing the message of God’s love and hope.
“As a church, everyone must work together as a team to move this gospel commission forward.”
During the sermon, ACP Peter spoke of two Bible characters.
First, was the story of the Little Maid who worked for Captain Naaman and shed God’s light to him, leading him to ultimate healing and subsequent change to worshipping God.
The second story was of Daniel who worked as an administrator at Babylon and showed God’s light through his work and character.
At the program, a theme song and a video clip featuring the theme for this year was also launched.
A commissioning prayer for all the church ministers, church officers and members were offered by ACP Peter for the starting of their own witnessing program.
He appealed to the members of the church to support the program this year to go and make disciples.
“I look forward to working closely with you this year to fulfil the mission of I Will Go To My Work Place,” ACP Peter added.
The church ministers, church officers and members were encouraged by the various presentations and Word from God.
One of the presenters, Minister Nickson Silas said visitation to members and others in their homes and workplace is one of the key witnessing components which the church must embark on to encourage others and remind them about God’s love.

ACP Peter, at the close of the program, thanked everyone for the success of the launching program.
“All glory and honour must go back to God for the success of the program,” he said.
This year’s work is team work and everyone must support each other to rollout the program in their various workplaces.
Most of the members returned by vehicle, outboard motor (OBM), bike and foot to their respective homes.
The ‘I Will Go’ initiative is part of the Adventist five-year program which will end next year.
Solomon Star, Gizo