Dear Editor – AXF’s recent announcement that a new Chinese investor has been found for Gold Ridge came as no surprise.
The company has been saying that Gold Ridge is set to roll for the last two years such that such announcements could now be labelled over-sexualised or fake news.
There are two types of mining in the industry: (1) mining the stock market (2) actual mining.
AXF seems to be involved more into the first type than the second type and this should be matter of concern to those advising the government on such matters specifically, the Ministry of Mines, Cabinet subcommittee on Gold Ridge and the policy secretariat in the PMO.
If one cares to look carefully the various entities referred to comprise more or less of the same people and should have been aware that AXF Pty Ltd’s recent announcement is not only grossly inaccurate but misleading.
What AXF Pty Ltd has not told anyone publicly is that a group of genuine Australian Investors have recently abandoned plans to participate in the project to reopen Gold Ridge. Why?
I am reliably told that AXF Pty Ltd has not been truthful about the information given out to them.
Why DCC allow such things to continue is surprising.
The Pty Ltd after a company name for example GRML Pty Ltd or AXF Pty Ltd should already ring bells.
The recent arrest of Chinese nationals in Fiji, which intentionally or otherwise, coincided with the announcement made by AXF Pty Ltd, should be another one.
There is no agreement for shareholding in anything between GRML Pty Ltd or AXF Pty Ltd or anyone connected with Gold Ridge.
The three entities mentioned earlier should have known unless each and every one of them is part of what is going on.
The only other explanation is of course INCOMPETENT.
The very least these numerous officers should have done in the past three years is to ascertain the current status of the Gold Ridge Mining lease.
Who GRML Pty Ltd and AXF Pty Ltd are and whether what they are in accordance with relevant laws and in the best interest of Solomon Islands.
My gut feeling is that this so-called “new investor” is just another tentacle of GRML Pty Ltd and AXF Pty Ltd.
Citizens demand of those who are entrusted to do specific things and are paid to do it must do their jobs.
If not there is absolutely no justification for you to continue to be there because it is a waste of space.
John Kangaru