Dear Editor – According to the sub-committee on Gold Ridge released to the media gold mining will soon start to flow again from Gold Ridge.
“As early as 2018” according to media statements issued by the same subcommittee.
Activities connected with efforts to push start gold mining at Gold Ridge was confirmed in one of the recent editions of Solomon Star with photographs of members of the so called Gold Ridge sub-committee members at a meeting, I believe, conducted in one of the villages around the Gold Ridge area.
This is good news indeed for the naive and gullible. I was wondering, if the sub-committee which is at present organizing public meetings connected with the “re-opening” of Gold Ridge is or was or somehow related to or connected with an earlier sub-committee bearing the same name which had earlier adviced the Minister of Mines through Cabinet to cancel the Gold Ridge Mining Lease “for serious breaches” of (I believe) the Mining Law. The Minister publicly confirmed cancellation of the Gold Ridge Mining
Lease on the floor of Parliament so I am not making this up, please check the Hansad Reports 2017 if in doubt.
This is where the sub-committee appears to be contradicting itself.
In pushing for the re-opening of the gold mine, is it now supporting let alone conducting activities in support of what it had earlier considered “serious breaches” of national mining laws or is the committee utterly confused about what it is doing?
Job Tutu