THE national government is prepared to supply food to the people of Shortland Islands under the National Disaster Framework.
Secretary to the Prime Minister Dr Jimmie Rodgers made this assurance following concerns of food shortage in the islands after the national government closed the border between Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.
Before the threats of COVID-19 people of Shortland Islands and Bougainville cross the border frequently to trade food and other material things.
This has since stopped when Bougainville recorded its first case of COVID-19 last month and our government closed the border.
Speaking during the weekly talk-back show over the national broadcaster on Sunday Dr Rodgers said the Oversight Committee had received reports from the livelihood team on the ground about food shortages.
“The assessment has been done and I understand from the chairman is ready to come through for the Oversight Committee will look on it,” he said.
He said the committee will look into the result of the assessment and support the people of Shortland Islands based on that result.
He said within the National Disaster Framework is the livelihood committee which looks after agriculture, fisheries and food security.
“At this point of time, we are going to look on whether the assistance for food is for short term, medium term or long term,” Dr Rodgers said.
Newsroom, Honiara