Dear Editor – Solomon Islanders used to live harmoniously with each other in their small communities in the past.
It is a society of hands giving.
People usually support each other in almost everything.
It was a heaven on earth then.
Recently, I made a short visit to a rural setting in one of our provinces, fortunately a chartered boat with projects delivery is almost at the scene.
I observed the faces of the many rural people who were there.
Majority of those at the scene were just spectators due to the fact that they are not voters of their current MP.
“The shipment was only for our voters and supporters,” the project officer for the constituency who accompanied the materials shouted out.
Do you know why tangible development is not taking shape in the villages? It’s because of this type of attitude. Shame on you MPs!
Anyway, many went home with sorrowful thoughts, anger, etc.
With this strategy of service delivery, MPs are dividing our people up.
They are the very ones causing disunity among sour people.
What do they think about the on-lookers? Aren’t they human beings? Do they entitled for the constituency fund? Are they Solomon Islanders?
This is discrimination.
Stop talking about stopping discrimination when you our law makers are good at it.
We cannot build a better Solomon Islanders if we continue to have greedy leaders with self-interests in our parliament all the time.
The help from the MPs are widening the poverty gap in the rural villages.
This is happening because MPs and their committees are very biased, selfish and greedy in the way they disburse public funds.
Honestly, thousands of our people are left out of these funds every year.
This is disgusting.
Something needs to be done here to see all Solomon Islanders fairly benefiting. My heart goes out to hundreds of Solomon Islanders ignored in all constituencies by MPs.
It is my prayer that God will one day punish these MPs for their greediness.
John Aonima
White River