The Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA) has lost public trust following the recent decision to switch the bilateral relationship from Taiwan to China, it was reported.
Early last week, the public around Auki staged a peaceful protest in support for democracy and accused the DCGA decision to switch allegiance.
The peaceful protest has reflected public disagreement over recent government decision to welcome China as its new diplomatic friend.
A visit made to few rural communities in Malaita province, saw people raising huge concerns through questions related to government decision to switch tie from Taiwan to China.
For the Village people, they view China as a new face in the community, partnership and relationship to the existing cultural norms and fear that new relationship may cause negative impact to natural resource and cultural inheritance.
“For others, it is really new experience to read and hear about the end of friendship with Taiwan government and people who they involve with in different works of life for past 36 years.
The Former President of Area council in Malaita and a west Kwara’ae chief John Liu expressed fear on future influence of China concerning limited natural resources and cultural inheritance.
He explained the remaining natural resources and cultural practise must be respected and preserved for future benefits of native people in country.
Liu believes the new relationship will become new experience for rural people who regard Taiwan as traditional friend for the past 36 years.
“I believe it will take more time for rural people to know more about china type of friendship, and development that may impact the life of future generation of the country.
“In my village, children and even elderly people not really know about china’s style of friendship despite the influence and increase of Chinese shops businesses in the country.”
“The sensation of Chinese dominating trade stores businesses and logging companies operating in the country pose great difference and regionalization between natives and Chinese.”
“I believe this will lead to negative relationship impact to future of current government decision to switch tie to China,” Mr Li u said.
He leaned that Solomon Islands have resources now require management and sustainable use and harvesting.
That mean major China developments that require heavy use of limited natural resource may treat future of resource and life of the people.
“I have learned that environmental advocators encourage government and Agencies Solomon islanders to look after resource through sustainable practises.” Mr Liu said
Mr Liu said the current government executive led by Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has the power to decide on policies which they believe will improve the country in term of development.
But the power will come to an end and return to ordinary people of Solomon Islands after every four years.
And that will determine the next future for Solomon Islands people and maybe the foreign relationship partners.
Taiwan has been supporting Solomon Islands government in the area of Education, Health and Agriculture as well as the Government Popular Constituency Development Fund.
“As everyone knows, Taiwan has been supporting Solomon Islands government in the area of Education, Health and Agriculture as well as the Government Popular Constituency Development Fund,” Mr Liu said.