OPPOSITION leader Matthew Wale has called on the Ministry of Health & Medical Services to take preemptive steps to protect Solomon Islands against the outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus in Wuhan, China and its rapid spread throughout major cities in China.
Wale said now with confirmed cases in other parts of the world, Solomon Islands should take this threat seriously and start planning preventive measures.
International media have reported many confirmed cases including one in Brisbane, Queensland, which is being closely monitored.
China has confirmed the virus is being transmitted from human to human.
Wale urges the government to take preventative measures very early so that passengers returning to the country after the Chinese New Year celebrations in China who might have been exposed to the virus are identified, quarantined and dealt with appropriately.
“Better still, anyone with such symptoms who was recently in Wuhan should not be allowed to travel to Solomon Islands until they are cleared of the symptoms.
“Recent measures taken against the measles outbreak, although perhaps were a bit late, were appropriate given the scale of the outbreak,” Wale said.
He added that the government should now act more quickly and take similar measures against this new threat.
Meanwhile, the Opposition leader calls on Solomon Islanders especially those that are traveling in and out of the country to take precautionary measures as they travel and stay safe.