PRIME Minister (PM) Manasseh Sogavare says public servants that were self-terminated for not getting vaccinated will not be re-employed by government.
In his nationwide address on Tuesday, PM Sogavare said it is it is the government’s policy that all eligible Solomon Islanders must be fully vaccinated.
“Fellow Solomon Islanders, it is the government’s policy that all eligible Solomon Islanders must be fully vaccinated with approved COVID-19 vaccines. In this regard, public servants that had self-terminated for not getting vaccinated will not be re-employed by government,” he said.
He added, the public service will also only employ individuals that have been fully vaccinated.
He said despite the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, the government strongly advises all travellers to Solomon Islands and members of the general public to still adhere to COVID-19 safe practices which include:
- The wearing of face-masks whenever one goes out of their houses
- Practice social distancing whenever and wherever possible,
- Practice hand sanitizing after you touch things
- Travel and work in bubbles
- Avoid crowded areas
He said it is important that every citizen continues to take responsible action to protect themselves and their neighbours from COVID-19 as we still have community transmission of COVID-19 in the country.
Solomon Star, Honiara