Solomon Island Visitors Bureau (SIVB) has praised local tourism operators throughout the country who have sacrificed themselves without relying on governments’ funds to build their tourism businesses.
Chairman of the Solomon Island Visitors Bureau (SIVB) Wilson Ne’e highlighted this during the official opening of five new self-contain rooms of Gua Roviana Lodge in Munda over the weekend.
Gua Roviana one was the local lodges established in Munda through the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism this year.
SIVB chairman Mr Nee said its encouraging to see operators who have sacrificed their time and money to start off their tourism business without relying on government’s funds.
“I’m really impress to see operators who are struggling and sacrifice to start their business without government support.
“Government supposed not to support start your business but to assist you which most people did not understand. Therefore I would like thank operators for their hardship and struggle and one of them is Gua Roviana Lodge,” Mr Nee said.
He also pointed out that the opening of these additional rooms would boost the number of beds in the country.
“At the moment, we did not have enough rooms to market our country abroad.
“Our recent statistic shows that Solomon island have less than 1000 plus rooms which cannot be marketed abroad,” Mr Nee said.
Mr Nee thanked Gua Roviana management for their hard work in completing the project.
Gua Roviana management also thanked the government for its continued support towards the lodge which resulted in the successfully opening of additional rooms for the lodge.