GUADALCANAL Province will celebrate its 36th Second Appointed Day today at Visale, North West Guadalcanal.
The province’s Second Appointed Day falls annually on August 1st.
However, because August 1st falls on Saturday, the provincial government decides to commemorate the event today by declaring today, a public holiday for Guadalcanal Province to allow them to join the celebrations.
According to the day’s programme, Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare will be the guest of honour.
There will be a parade by the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force and officers from the Correctional Service.
Hundreds of guests and representatives from the different communities around Guadalcanal Province are expected to attend the event at Visale.
Others who cannot attend the event are expected to celebrate in their respective homes and communities.
Last year the Second Appointed Day was hosted at GPPOL 2 at the Guadalcanal Plains.