SECRETARY to Prime Minister Dr. Jimmy Rodgers says next week will be a busy week for education as most schools will get back to their normalities.
Dr. Rodgers made the statement during Sunday’s talkback show on SIBC.
He said following the recent declaration for all schools outside of the emergency zones to y reopened this week, there are plans to reopen all Guadalcanal and Western Provinces schools.
“There are plans now to reopen schools in Guadalcanal especially from Fox Wood, GPPOL and to the eastern end as well as from Aruligo and further west. This is with the exception of high schools, which are expected to reopen by next week except for St Joseph Tenaru and Selwyn College.
“Also in Western Province, we are thinking of schools around in Gizo, Noro and Munda apart from Goldie College should also reopen by next week,” he added.
He said currently an assessment to schools within the emergency zones especially in Honiara and nearby Guadalcanal schools have already been completed and that should determine further decisions on opening those emergency zones schools.
“So next week is a busy week for our education sector and we have tried as much as possible and safety for our schools in the country to be reopened and reengaged,” he said.
Under Secretary and Chair of COVID-19 Communications Committee in the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development James Bosamata said all boarding students and teachers within the specified areas should make their way to school by this week.
Bosamata said for all school leaders within the emergency zone which include Honiara and surrounding Guadalcanal schools are asked to participate in a joint school readiness consultation workshop.
“The consultation is very important as it will allow school leaders to discuss possible ways on how they can undertake as part of their preparation for their school reopening,” he said.
He then urged all school leaders to listen out for that program on the ministry’s Radio Education Program for further details.