GWAUNAOA Rural Health Centre (clinic) in west Kwara’ae, Malaita province is in need of electricity supply.
Speaking to Solomon star in an interview, senior board committee member of Gwaunaoa clinic and technical officer Nathaniel Maegwari said, the current poor electricity supply at the clinic has put medical staff responsibilities at risk.
“This has forced medical staffs at the clinic to use torches or kerosene lamp during night time, when attending to emergency cases such as maternity.
“This clinic is not safe now for pregnant mothers, children and sick patients because there is no electricity or solar power to provide lighting for the medical machine and equipment,” they said.
Mr Maegwari said the health centre serves more than 6,400 people mostly women and children.
They also called on the Member of Parliament (MP) and the provincial member responsible for the region to recognise the much needed electricity supply for the clinic.
“We want to upgrade the health standard of the clinic but financial assistance is another problem”
“In the past, we used to collect contribution from each house holds but since it’s obvious that contribution has doubled the family commitments, we suggested that this important equipment needs support from MPs or any interest organisation”.
The clinic is the only one serving the bigger populace of West Kwara’ae. They are Kwaisuliniu, Fote, Gwaitaba’a, Airahu Rural Training Centre (ARTC), Bio, Kwaunaoa, Buma, Koa, Corol, Fuliabu, Aitea, Namanfata, Aimomoko, Faifatla’a and Gwaidae.
The committee also called on any individual or business houses that wish to make assistance in terms of lighting towards the clinic to do so.