THE Australian High Commissioner, Rod Hilton, has toured the Bina Habour Fisheries Project site in West Kwaio, Malaita Province on Tuesday.
The tour was made on the second day of his historical three-day visit to the province. The visit was the first to be made to Malaita Province by High Commissioner Hilton since being posted to head the Australian diplomatic mission in Solomon Islands.
During the Bina Habour tour, High Commissioner Hilton and his delegation had a discussion with resources owners and toured the project site.
The Australian Government envoy and his delegation also met a team from the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) headquarters in Honiara at the project site and the team showed the Australian High Commission delegation the actual sites earmarked for the establishment of the port and fish-processing plant.

Australia has contributed to the Bina project by funding the hydrological survey on the project site some years back.
Not only that, but Australia also funded a water and sanitation feasibility study on the project site.
During the visit, landowners expressed their desire to see the project kicked off the ground.
Accompanying High Commissioner Hilton and his delegation to Bina Habour was the Acting Malaita Premier, Edward Misite’e and the Malaita Provincial Fisheries Officer, Martin Jasper.
Acting Premier Misite’e called on resource owners to work together with each other and the national government and all other stakeholders in the project to allow its smooth implementation.
The Ward 15 MPA said unity amongst the resource owners themselves and their collective collaboration with other stakeholders is vital for the success of the long-awaited project.