The Honiara City Council (HCC) has given its final blessing with the approval of the 2016 budget. The Council has budgeted to operate from a total revenue of $39 million.
The 2016 budget will see a total operational expenditure of $29 million and capital expenditure of $10 million, providing the basis for the delivery ofservices and programs for the residents, workforce and visitors of Honiara City.
“I am pleased that the 2016 budget continues to place emphasis on important City-wide services and programs, with the intent to improve levels of service delivery,” said Mayor Alfrence Fatai.
“The outcome of the 2016 budget proves that the Honiara City Council is focused on financial sustainability and improved budget practices,” said Chairman of Finance Cr. Baddley Scott Rarai.
“Thanks to the City staff and Council for their hard work throughout the budget process; we will realize a greater revenue base enabling us to provide the community with many significant investments in health, education, waste management, markets and youth, women and sports, among other services.”
Further details about the budget will be shared with the public in the coming months.
By Kadiba Alu
HCC Communications Officer.
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