THE Honiara City Council (HCC) has continued its crack down on the illegal erection of buildings within the Honiara City boundary.
HCC Building Inspector, Samson Aengari informed this paper that the exercise which began in June, has continued successfully over the past five months.
“We have managed to crack down on various illegal buildings being erected within the Honiara City.
“So far we have given letters to twelve illegally built houses and canteens, none of which have permits to continue erecting those buildings.
“None of these buildings have also been approved by the HCC Planning board.
“Therefore they are required to pay up the permit fees before being allowed to continue erecting their buildings.
“If no fees are paid and work resumes, there will be harsh punishments or even prosecution of the owners,” Mr Aengari said.
He added that demolition notices will also be handed if fees are not met and illegal buildings continue to be erected.
Mr Aengari meanwhile said that his team have continued assessing buildings erected throughout Honiara City, adding that they will continue to give out letters to cease work if required.
HCC continued to encourage building owners to go through the proper channels before erecting their buildings or be forced to shut down.