People in central Rannogah would today witness the official launching of the healthy village setting initiative.
Minister of health Hon Charles Sigoto, permanent secretary of health Dr Lester Ross and Under Secretary Dr Tenneth Dalipanda would launch this program at Rava village.
Rava village is the firstever village to undertake the initiative.
In an interview with minister Sigoto who is also the Member of Parliament (MP) for Simbo/ Rannogah in Gizo early this week he said the healthy village setting launching was his own initiative for his constituency.
Mr Sigoto said Rava village would be the model village under the new program.
“Rava village is a module village where people would come and learn from it applied it in their own village. Later we would spread the program to other villages.
“This is first time ever to have such a program being introduced and so its history,” Mr Sigoto said.
Mr Sigoto explained the program is to promote cleanliness and better environment.
“I introduce this system to encourage my people to live in a good clean environment which is free from sickness.
“Also since our people in Rannogah are interested in tourism, this system is suitable for guests and tourists that are coming into the village so that they can enjoy the clean environment,” Mr Sigoto said.
The health minister congratulated people of Rava village taking up the challenge.