A CHARITABLE organisation that works with orphans, widows, and people with disability in central Kwara’ae, Malaita, on Thursday received assistance from Australian Combine churches.
Hearts of Hope founder Janet Justice Aihari received the donation from pastor Miriam River from Australia combine churches.
Ms Rivers said that the donation was part of their continuing support to the NGO.
“God is preparing the wealth of the nation for the orphans and widows.
“We have the heart for these types of people so we must help them,” she said.
“We need to bring joy to their hearts.
“Only through caring, giving and sharing we can heal their hearts.
“They are God’s people so we must not ignore them,” she added.
Meanwhile, Ms Aihari thanked the combine churches of Australia for the kind donation.
“Your assistance means so much to us.
“This is God who speaks to you to see and address the very needs of these unfortunates,” said Ms Aihari.
Ms Aihari thanked the Australia combine church and Pastor Rivers for the items donated.
The donated items include school stationaries, six cartoons of Bibles and reading books and also about 106 blankets.
Hearts of Hope was established in 2006 to work together and encourage disadvantaged members of the communities.
The small organisation has been working in various communities in Central Kwara’ae starting from Ura to Bina through raising awareness in communities and visiting the unfortunate.
By Stephen Diisango