Dear Editor – The current high cost of living is undisputable as every single citizen is feeling the pinch of it everyday.
Those in the formal section are most affected as they have to meet every thing with their very small salary.
The DCC government if cares for it’s citizen then should put mechanism in place to address this.
Review your taxation laws and amend them for good of your citizens.
The civil servants are suffering for the shake of providing government services.
The politicians knew this very well yet are doing nothing to address it.
Corruptions in the public sector cannot be eradicated unless civil servant’s pay is improved to what can sustained their families till next pay.
The Unions too seems to be hiding under the bridge.
For so long you haven’t been heard regarding workers salary increase.
It is time that you come out of your nutshell and fight for the rights and benefits of your members.
Today, you cannot assume that your members are doing fine with their salaries.
It has reach a point in time that people have to struggle extra harder just for survival.
The National Government and Unions are urged to address this immediately before the worst could happen.
John Aonima
White River