THE High Court has welcomed a new judge to the Bench to fill the gap left by the retirement of one of its long-serving judges who also retires this week.
Howard David Minett Lawry of New Zealand is not a new face, having worked in the country since 2013.
He initially started as a legal advisor with the Police Prosecutions of the Royal Solomon Islands Police (RSIPF).
Lawry joined the Public Solicitor’s Office as Deputy Public Solicitor from January 2015 to June 2017.
From June 2017 to June 2019, he was an advisor and was appointed as the Public Solicitor in July until his appointment to the Bench.
Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer at a brief sworn in ceremony yesterday said Lawry’s appointment is a welcome addition to the Bench when delays and backlogs of cases both in the civil and criminal divisions of the High Court continue to plague the work of the courts.
“Covid-19 has not helped either, instead of threatening to drive a deeper wedge into the timely disposal of cases,” Sir Albert said.
“His appointment will help to alleviate the current heavy work-load that the judges in the High Court shoulder,” he added.
Lawry’s one year contract is to fill the gap left by one of the long-serving Judge, Francis Mwanesalua who retires due to health issues.
His appointment brings the number of judges back to seven.
Sir Albert thanked the ongoing assistance provided to the National Judiciary by the Government and People of Australia in agreeing to fund the position of a Puisne Judge in the High Court of Solomon Islands for this extended period.
He also welcomed and thanked Lawry to accept this appointment at such a time as this.
“These are indeed unusual and dangerous times that we are living in.
“Covid-19 continues to be a threat world-wide and in Solomon Islands.
“Not many would want to travel and live and work in a small state like the Solomon Islands. If first world countries are struggling, how much more a small fledgling state like Solomon Islands.”
Sir Albert said not many people would want to travel and be away from home and family during these times.
He said Lawry has been alone without his wife since the travel restrictions began in or about March/April 2020, serving alone as the Public Solicitor in the country.
“He has sacrificed a lot to serve our country and we are thankful to him for making that decision to remain and continue to serve in a new capacity on the Bench as Judge.”
Sir Albert said Lawry brings with him a vast wealth of relevant knowledge, skills, and experience in both civil and criminal law work from New Zealand and several other countries; Niue, Samoa, and Papua New Guinea.
“His familiarity with the law and the work of the courts in this country places him at an advantageous position to contribute richly to the development of the law in the country.
“I am sure he will find little difficulty in settling down to his new working environment on the Bench.
“Whilst he will be engaged primarily in the disposal of civil matters, he may be required to assist with the disposal of the already burgeoning list of criminal matters that are ready for hearing,” Sir Albert further added.
Lawry graduated from the Victoria University of Wellington with a BA/LLB degree and was admitted to the Bar in New Zealand in 1983.
Sir Albert said Lawry is also admitted to the Bar in Papua New Guinea, Samoa, and the Solomon Islands.
“He is also a trained mediator with a Certificate from the Bond University School of Law in Australia.
“His illustrious legal career spans four Pacific Island countries apart from New Zealand.
“He has spent time in Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, and the most time until his appointment here in the Solomon Islands.”
Lawry said he is humbled to be appointed to the Bench of High Court of Solomon Islands.
“I am grateful for the past opportunities given to me to serve in the justice sector here for both the prosecution and the defence,” he said.
“I should say however that when I consider the size of some of the files that were placed in my chambers last week, I wonder what I am letting myself in for.
“As some of you may know I have spent a lot of my career in the Pacific, including a more than forty-year association with Niue where after graduating, I had my first job as a lawyer.”
Lawry said it was in 1978, just a few months after Solomon Islands Independence when the Constitution was promulgated and this Court established, that he accepted a volunteer position as a legal officer for the Government of Niue and from then on, the Pacific has been my second home.
“In working and living in the Pacific, my intention has been to give what skills I can to these communities.
“It is with real humility I acknowledge what I have received in return, how much I have learned from the Pacific and Solomon Islands in particular.
“I pray that I will serve Justice, the Courts, and the people of Solomon Islands with humility and wisdom.”
Newsroom, Honiara