The Honiara City Council has clarified reports on the extension of the Rapid Employment Project (REP) which appeared in this paper on Wednesday.
The HCC in a full council meeting on the July 1, moved a resolution expressing its desire and commitment for REP to be continued for a further five years.
The extension of the project though, will depend on the outcome of negotiations between the HCC, the Solomon Islands Government and donors.
Honiara City Clerk, Charles Kelly said, Councillors have given their unanimous support to the project highlighting the benefits to Honiara communities through the building of Jacob’s Ladders, street cleaning, employment program and its Pre-Employment Training.
“The resolution has shown HCC’s continued support for REP ahead of negotiations on the future of the project,” said Kelly.
The Rapid Employment Project (REP) helps urban poor by providing short term work, life skills training as well as secondary benefits to Honiara communities through improved infrastructure and services.
Since 2010 REP has created over 600,000 days of labour and has paid over US$2.65 million in wages to over 11,600 participants – over half of whom are women and youth.
Over 11 000 people have participated in REP’s Pre Employment Training.
REP is funded by the World Bank (International Development Association and State and Peace building Fund), Australia and New Zealand governments through the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility at a cost of US$8.49 million.