Dear Editor – I am a Marist-missionary, who lived among and worked with the people of Makira for more than half a century.
In the Solomon Star and in the Island Sun, in both papers, there was an article by Camillus Kole, Catholic Media, titled ‘Archbishop Cardone to tour Makira.’
In this press release is stated and I quote: “Parishioners are urged to prepare and to behave during the Archbishop visit as such a visit is important and infrequently.”
This feels like an insult and requires a public apology.
Why? This press release urges the people to behave well, supposing that they normally don’t do that.
That is the insult.
By experience I know, that the people of Makira normally they behave well. Why does this stranger suppose the opposite?
What does Catholic Media expect from the people of Makira?
To carry the Archbishop around on a royal throne like High Commissioners of the colonial past, and to fall down in adoration and sing: to you be the power and the glory?
I hope and wish that the Archbishop behaves well as a true shepherd should and not like a hireling; but to serve the people of God and to not lard over them.
G. Bruns
Marist House, Tanagai