POLICE investigation into the fatal traffic accident which claimed the lives of two people in East Malaita, last month is nearing its completion.
Police Commissioner Matthew Varley told reporters at his weekly conference that their investigation will wrap up soon.
“Obviously our investigation will wrap up soon and will be submitting a brief of evidence in a file to the coroner as is requires in the cases of suspicions death,” Varley said.
The vehicle owned by the Samlinsan Logging Company operating at Abe Camp in East Fataleka was on its way down hill when it faces mechanical problem.
It turned over three times while rolling downhill killing the 52 year-old Indonesian driver and a 48 year-old man from Fataleka, Malaita.
Another local, a 28 year-old man from Fataleka sustained serious injuries.
They are employees of the Samlinsan Logging Company.
“Our officers from the Atori attended the report and had opened an inquiry file and of course our condolences go out to the families of the deceased men.
“Again, this goes to the point we said many times before about the responsibility of operators of heavy machineries, logging companies, employees, truck owners and drivers to make sure that your vehicles are serviceable and good working order and are fit for the conditions.
“We also need to make sure drivers are conscious of the condition of our roads in some of the rural areas.
“Again, this is another tragic reminder, that when things go wrong, they can be a serious and tragic outcome the loss of life,” Varley said.
Varley added that this is another reminder and tragic outcome where a poorly maintained vehicle appears has maintained in this two tragic deaths.
When asked by a reporter as to which department is responsible to check the vehicles in the province, Varley said as part of the registration process, the vehicles were supposed to be inspected by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) officials.
“In some of the remote logging camps in the country, I am not sure, but any vehicle operating in public road is subject to road worthy inspections by police.
“But of course, we were not there doing vehicle inspections across the whole country.
“There are far too many vehicles for us.
“But my argument is, drivers and owners of vehicles needs to take some responsibilities.
“And really my question is, is poor maintenance worth your life?”