SQUABBLING within the GNUT coalition has come down to a ‘balls and guts’ game.
“Would Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele have the balls to act to contain the internal turmoil from spreading further given the number of issues raised in the confidential document called, the Memorandum of Demands (MoD).
Many doubt he would.
“He’s such a nice man, too dovish because of his long career in the diplomatic service, someone offered.
“Equally, would the People First Party (PFP) have the guts to walk out of the coaltion barely eight months old?”
That too. is doubtful, according to observers.
Already, the People First Party Parliamentary Wing leader and MP for Marovo Chachabule Amoi is up to himself. First, he has falsely accused the author of creating the initial article.
“Instead of lambasting the Western Provincial Assembly Member Rence Sore, as he should, for prematurely posting photos of the PFP’s “private business trip” on social media, Hon Chachabule turned his anger on the wrong man,” one observer said.
By posting the photos on social media, MPA Sore broke with protocol. His outburst in the media reflects a man caught with his pants down. His problem is that by posting the photos on social media, Hon Rence Sore has upstaged him even before the PFP leader has the opportunity to brief Prime Minister Manele on the success or otherwise of the trip.
There are questions too as to whether the trip was taken with the Prime Minister’s blessings. Many too doubt the Prime Minister was aware of it. He learned of the trip through the photos posted on the social media, thanks to Hon Sore’s efficiency.
The message is clear.
MP Chachabule Amoi, get your house, meaning the Party in order. The political turmoil tearing the GNUT coalition is the creation of the PFP, which, it seems, is trying its best to take up the leadership role.
MP Gordon Darcy Lilo is correct in asserting that his decision to withdraw the Motion of No Confidence (MONC) was due to lack of numbers – Ministers and backbench who signed to move out but failed to honor their commitment.
“It’s senior government Minister and backbench who created the instability in the first place,” Hon Darcy Lilo told Parliament last December. They did sign to cross the line but never did.
The truth be told, unless the Prime Minister removes his diplomatic niceties so he is free to deal with troublemakers, what the PFP created would continue to create instability within the ruling coalition.
Until drastic measures are taken now, the citizens of this country are in for a rough ride – economically and financially.
Prices of foodstuffs have skyrocketed and there is no guarantee these prices would not go further.
By Alfred Sasako