FORM six students of Jones Adventist College (JAC) located in North Vella, Western Province have been encouraged to place their trust in God so that they can face the world out there once they leave high school.
The encouraging message was shared by Pr Steve Aquilla, Youth Director of the Solomon Islands Mission (SIM) of the Adventist Church.
He was the guest speaker at the weekend graduation ceremony held from Friday 1st to 3rd November.
A total of 63 students from science and arts stream graduated during that special weekend.

The theme for the graduation ceremony was; ‘Though challenges, through Christ we conquer.’
Pr Steve’s message highlighted that the battle is the Lord’s and encouraged students to be like David who overcame lion and bear with the help from God.
The youth director told the students that just like David there are many ‘lions and bear’ experience that students will face once they leave school.
“But only God’s spirit can help our students overcome these seemingly hard challenges.
“Trust God and He will lead you,” Pr Steve told the students.

One of the staff told the Solomon Star that the program started on Friday night, continued on Sabbath with the graduation ceremony held Sunday.
The guest of honor was Dr Eric Katovai Pro Vice Chancellor – Academic at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU).
The two guests arrived late on Friday night due to flight for Gizo rescheduled which saw them leaving Honiara on Friday afternoon.
The Friday night program commenced at 9.30 pm.
However, the students waited patiently and enjoyed the program, the staff said.
Dr Eric during the weekend also encouraged students to be faithful like Joseph.
“It means to be faithful in your studies.”

The proposed banquet night planned for Thursday night 31st October was called after the death of the school’s boat driver.
The school wanted to stage a low-key graduation but family members of the late driver encouraged the students to continue with their normal program which commenced after the funeral on Friday.
Many parents and guardians also turned up during the weekend to witness the program.
The program on Sabbath was a blessing for everyone.
The final year students led out in the church program throughout the Sabbath program which featured singing, praying, sharing of testimonies and reflection.

During the AY program on Sabbath afternoon the JAC family took time to pay tribute for the memory and legacy of their late boat driver.
The highlight of the weekend was the colourful graduation ceremony on Sunday.
During the graduation the form 6 students received their certificates of completion.
The students also donated two notice boards to the school.
They were placed at the boys and girls’ residence respectively.
Given the fine weather most of the staff, students, guests, parents, guardians and supporters have enjoyed the program, it was revealed.

Most students left the school after completing their exams this week.
The form 6 students have thanked Dr Eric and Pr Steve for setting time aside despite their busy schedule to attend their graduation.
They also thanked Exceed Sign Company for designing and printing their sign boards at discount price.
The school administration also took time to acknowledge the students for their time, support and contribution over the past years with the school.
The students will now wait for their final results.