THE fourth dose for the vaccination rollout is now in the country and will be handed over this week.
Incident Controller at the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) Dr Nemia Bainivalu during Sunday’s radio talkback show said Johnson and Johnson vaccine has arrived in the country, awaiting the official handing over, likely to happen today.
Following the official handing over, it will be administered to people in Honiara and in the provinces.
“We have received one vaccine called Johnson and Johnson vaccine, we’ll hand it over probably tomorrow (today).
“After the handing over we will train health workers to distribute the vaccine,” he said on Sunday.
He thanked the New Zealand Government through the COVID-19 Facilities which provides COVID-19 vaccines to the country.
“I want to thank the New Zealand Government, through the COVID Facilities which provides Covid-19 to us,” he said.
Meanwhile, MHMS still continue with its checks at International ports in Honiara and Noro to avoid further importation of other variant from outside.
Currently Delta is present in the country that has resulted in 133 deaths.
Newsroom, Honiara