Tetere parishioners in North Central Guadalcanal successfully hosted and took care of the jubilee cross for eight days last month.
The cross traveled around the parish, from the sea shores to the highlands of Goldridge (Turarana).
On 19th July, the Ruavatu Parishioners handed over the cross to the people of Tetere Parish at Christ the King Parish Church.
People spent prayerful nights wherever the cross rested. There was singing and prayers said along the roads.
Despite of the rain and the heat from the sun, people followed the cross faithfully as the main song for the week said, “TAKE UP YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW ME, I HEARD MY MASTER SAY”.
Men, women, youths and children, old men and old women and members from other denominations joined in the pilgrimage.
Those who were unable to walk traveled by vehicle or even wait beside the road with their little crosses just to meet and touched the cross.
The youths from various communities offered themselves as cross bearers, joining some youths from Tangarare , Makaruka,Makina and Ruavatu Parishes.
They willingly carry the cross throughout the parish.
The visit of the Jubilee cross brought joy and happiness and healing to most people in the parish.
One particular woman by the name Alice Thugea had regained her eyesight after praying at the foot of the cross at Komuporo village on the night of 23rd July (Monday).
She used to wear glasses over her eyes, but now she no longer needs it. There were others who testified of miracle happening to them after they encountered the cross.
The cross was then handed over to the Good shepherd catholic communities on the 26th of July, at the parish compound.
It was an emotional moment for the parishioners to farewell the cross.
It is sad to part with someone you love, it was just the same feeling of that moment.
The Parish priest Fr. Albert Lennon Sdb acknowledged and praised everybody who took part and contributed in one way or another towards the one week pilgrimage program.
He was so proud of the little children and the old people who took part in the walks. He stated, let us look forward for the 450 years anniversary of Christianity in the Solomon Islands.
The theme of the Jubilee year is “TAKE UP YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW JESUS” 450th Anniversary. 1568 – 2018.
The cross is now touring parts of Honiara. Yesterday Catholic parishioners living around Lunga hosted the cross.
– Thomasina Tema
Christ the King Parish,
Tetere, North Guadalcanal.