KASTOM Gaden Association (KGA) has recently sent out its officers to the provinces as part of visiting farmers, conduct trainings and providing planting materials.
The visiting program is parts of KGA’s role to strengthen its link between local farmers in the country to promote food security through methods of organic farming for local farmers in the communities in the respective provinces.
Not only that but to help people grow and eat local healthy food in their communities or homes.
The tour was conducted in teams. The first team visited Shortland islands, Makira and Isabel last week to provide trainings to communities that really need the knowledge about KGA and its programs.
Touring the Shortland islands were KGA poultry technician Peter Haio and Mary Timothy.
The team to Isabel was led by team leader Claudine Watoto, Hilda Karani and Ronstand Gapu.
To Makira Kastom Gaden center supervisor Severino Lausao led the team.
Mr Lausao said it is important that Solomon Islands need to see the importance of upholding food security in the country, its positive effect and impact in the society.
“Although some people may access to food, the food may not provide the necessary nutrition the body needs. Food supplies are not stable in some areas. Food security looks to correct the problem which causes world hunger through mix of programs by government and Non government organisation”
“This is for the betterment of this country by growing local food in our,” Mr Lausao said.
“By doing this, KGA continues to maintain its program by visiting old and new interested farmers around the country.”