A team from the Kastom Gaden Association (KGA) based in Honiara will visit Dai Island, Malaita province this weekend.
The three member team will be led by KGA centre supervisor SeverinoLausaoto train farmers and villagers on organic farming, basket and back yard gardening techniques, pest and disease controlling methods and information concerning KGA programs and works.
This is the first time for KGA to visit Dai Island, one of the islands affected by climate change.
KGA has been promoting organic farming, distributing planting material through its planting material network system around the country since its establishment.
Mr Severino said their team will leave Honiarafor the island today and are expected to arrive on the island this weekend.
He said, the training will be similar like the ones provided to other parts of the provinces in the country.
Meanwhile a group from KGA which visited Makira province last week have returned over the weekend.
The mission was to supply KGA farmers and members planting materials.
The team will return next month to continue with the distribution of plating material for farmers in Makira.