Five local students who were kicked out from the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) Waigani campus accommodation by the university administration have now been cleared from Students Discipline Council charges.
This was confirmed to this paper in an exclusive interview with a local lawyer working in Papua New Guinea who assisted the five students with their response to the Students Discipline Council.
“I assisted them with their response to Student Discipline Council and all of them were cleared from the charges except for one student who is mistaken for bribery, else all is well with our students,” the lawyer said.
The students after being cleared by the Students Discipline Council were told to go back to the Games Village, the very place that they were forced out due to the misunderstanding.
However the five local students decided to stay out of campus because they feel that it is not good to go back to the Games Village as they were kicked out of the campus without a genuine reason.
A student told this paper that they don’t want to go back to the Games Village because they feel like prisoners living there.
“We rented out of the campus and attend classes; we don’t want to go back to the Games Village,” the student told this paper.
The Solomon Star understands that the students were kicked out after the UPNG administration mistakenly judged that they consumed alcohol on campus which was not the case as they consumed alcohol outside of campus.