Air Kiribati CEO, Mr. Tarataake Teannaki, has announced that Air Kiribati has launched its new fare promotion “Kids Fly Free” on its international air services to Funafuti and Honiara.
The promotion allows a paying adult to have one child between the ages of 2 and 11 to accompany them free of charge (taxes are applicable) and is valid for travel from Tarawa between the 1st August and the 27th September with the return valid until 31st December.
‘We are very excited to launch this new initiative’, Mr Teannaki said.
For a family travelling with children the cost saving will be in hundreds of dollars’, Mr Teannaki said. “We have said it many times, but since Air Kiribati launched its international services we have been committed to reducing the cost of air fares in and out of Kiribati, and this is another step in our efforts to bring affordable air travel to the people of Kiribati’.
This is the second ticket promotion in 2018 after the successful Buy 1 Get 1 free campaign which ends at the end of July.