CHIEFS from East Kwaio in Malaita Province have suggested that Malaita Province conduct a reconciliation ceremony over the killing of William Bell in 1927 which resulted in Malaitans standing against Malaitans.
Kwaio chiefs appealed to the MARA government during their awareness talk in East Kwaio last week saying it is appropriate for Malaitans to come together and reconcile over the killing of Mr. Bell, which sparked violence in East Kwaio resulting in the loss of many lives.
Kwaio chiefs insisted that this issue must be solved to put Malaita in order to accommodate development.
They said that the incident had cast spells on the people concerned and has been so over the generations.
In response to the request, the Malaita Provincial Premier Daniel Suidani said his government will seriously look at the issue with the aim of resolving it.
The premier said it is a long-standing issue that needs to be resolved to promote unity on the island of Malaita as one people.
The killing of Mr. Bell occurred back in 1927, which means the incident, took place some 93 years ago.
This year 2020, the incident is just seven years shy of a century.
In Auki