THE soon to be published “Taki Abu I Kwara’ae” book will this week have its final evaluation and assessment before it goes to print.
President of the Central Kwara’ae Chiefs Association, Francis To’otalau called a meeting for all Central Kwara’ae chiefs to do final evaluation and assessment on the book before its publication.
Speaking to Solomon Star yesterday, Mr To’otalau said that the “Taki Abu I Kwara’ae” or “Laws and Orders of Kwara’ae” was instigated with the aim of restoring Kwara’ae laws (Taki) so that the future generation of Central Kwara’ae and other Kwara’ae speaking regions can benefit from.
“The book was written specifically for the benefit of the current and future generations of Kwara’ae speaking people of Malaita,” he said.
“It comprises mostly of the Kwara’ae Taki (laws) and also in-depth research into the original ways of living and traditions of the Kwara’ae people,” Mr To’otalau said.
He added they have plans to have the book (after published) merged or integrated into the education syllabus so that both primary and secondary students in Malaita can study and gain more knowledge of it.
Mr To’otalau said that such is why it is important that all Central Kwara’ae chiefs be present to do final evaluation and assessment on the materials before having it published.
He added that if plans go as planned, then the book will be published as early as next month.
in Auki