THE former premier of Malaita Province Reuben Moli says land is not an excuse to development; it is the positive mindset that landowners and the government need to have.
Moli said this in a past interview with this paper in Auki on the development trend of Malaita Province.
“We are 300 miles behind time, and the issue people were made to know is with land.
“Land is supposed not to be an issue, it’s something we should talk about and solve, but we just complicated it with all kinds of introduced laws (new laws),” he said.
He said the problem is that governments has no willpower to put right its mind to do developments.
“Having a positive mindset is what the government both national and provincial really need to have.
“If Malaitan leaders think heavily on developing their province and think that development is important for the province and its people and the country as a whole, then, they should put all efforts to address land issues (land dispute),” he said.
He added that, there are a number of good piece of lands that already on the government side.
“They should start developing it so that people can see progress therefore can stimulate other landowners to also follow the example.
He said if Malaitans want tangible developments, they should start sorting out their own land issues and allow an already development –minded government to do the work.
“We cannot keep blaming land issues as license for us to sit back and do nothing.”