THE fourth Governor-General Late Father Sir John Inilapli was farewelled in a State Funeral in Honiara on Friday.
Late Father Sir John, who served as Governor-General from 7 July 1999 to 7 July 2004, died in Honiara on Saturday 18 January after a long illness.
As part of the State Funeral programme, the body of the late Fr Sir John Ini Lapli, GCMG, lied in state in the National Parliament Chamber from 8am until 2:45pm for public viewing and the paying of tributes.
The Governor General Father Reverend David Tiva, Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer, Speaker of Parliament, John Patteson Oti, Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele and his Cabinet Ministers and Backbenchers, the Opposition Leader Mathew Wale and Members of the Opposition, Leader of the Independent Group, Peter Kenilorea Junior and Members of the Independent Group, Former Governor General Sir Frank Kabui, Attorney General John Muria Jr, Honiara City Council (HCC) Lord Mayor Edward Kasute’e Siapu and Heads and Members of Foreign Diplomatic Missions in Solomon Islands all turned up at the National Parliament to pay their tribute to late Sir Father John as he lied in state.

Head of Churches, Constitutional Post-holders, Heads of International and Regional Organisations, Chief Executive Officers of SOEs and the Private Sectors and officials from all Government Ministries also turned up at the National Parliament Chamber to pay their respect.
Besides the casket of Late Sir Father John were his wife Lady Hellen, children, grand-children and immediate family members.
From the National Parliament Chamber, the casket of the Late Sir Father John along with his immediate family members were transported to the Anglican Church of Melanesia’s Saint Barnabas Cathedral where the State Funeral Service was convened.

The Dean of the St Barnabas Cathedral, Father Wilfred Kekea conducted the State Funeral Service where eulogies reflecting on the dedicated services of the Late Sir Father John were presented.
After the Funeral Service, the casket of the Late Sir Father John, along with his immediate family members were transported to the Aola Patrol Boat Base where they departed for Temotu Province where he will be laid to rest.
Solomon Star, Honiara