A SRI LANKAN company, LCSM Enterprise, had presented a new ambulance to the people of Guadalcanal through the provincial government, last Friday.
The official handover ceremony took place at the GPHQ compound around 10:00am.
Premier Francis Sade, Hon. Speaker Peter Aoraunisaka, GP Executive members, GP Health and Medical doctors, Mr. Timmy Manea (Director National Pharmacy Services), Dr. John Hue (GP Covid-19 Consultant), Mr. Chandana Suresh (Chairman of LCSM Enterprise), LCSM Enterprise representatives and GP staff were attending the short ceremony.
Speaking during the short handover ceremony, Mr. Anupiya Alwis, a representative of LCSM Enterprise stated “We are happy to support Guadalcanal Province and its people in their continuous fight against Covid-19”.
He furthered “LCSM Enterprise hope this would pave the way for other companies to follow suit in terms of their social responsibility to serve the people of Guadalcanal Province and Solomon Islands”.
In response, Premier Sade said “On behalf of my people from Guadalcanal, the Provincial Executive, Health & Medical Services, and Provincial staff, it is a great honour to receive this ambulance.”
Premier Sade also highlighted the challenges Guadalcanal Province is currently facing in terms of Covid-19 emergency related cases.
“Guadalcanal Province could not able to access ambulances services from St. John Ambulance Services to take our very sick people from GSH and other to Guadalcanal calls because St. John Ambulance is overwhelmed with its Honiara responses, CFH, NRH, Isolations Centres, and Quarantine Centres” Premier Sade explained.
He continued “Guadalcanal Province with a population of more than 160,000, its population of more 18 years of age and can be infected from COVID 19 is 94,000.
“With our current low vaccination coverage of 33% of the first dose meaning 67% are still unvaccinated.
“While we continue roll out our vaccination program including Pfizer for our teenagers from 12 to 17years and antenatal mothers, according to WHO 15% of the 94,000 will have severe disease needing admission with oxygen therapy.
“The 15% of these severely sick patients requiring admission with oxygen will be needing Ambulance services. Guadalcanal Province PDOC registered that the province will be needing immediately three to four ambulances, one will be stationed at the GPHQ, one at GSH, one at Visale RHC and one at Aola AHC.
“Thus, your donation of this ambulance here that we are witnessing now is very timely because it will not only be addressing the gaps identified but also strengthens and improves our care for our patients, meaning saving life from death.”
GP Media understands that LCSM Enterprise made a formal request to the national government to help Guadalcanal Province with the ambulance.
Premier Sade concluded “This is a very positive collaboration of between private organisation, SIG agencies and our Provincial Team, PDOC/PDC and Provincial Executives and Coordinating Committee.
IUMI TUGEDA fight against COVID 19 is the motto that we take the approach together and achieve successfully.”