“SINCE the switch of diplomatic ties to Beijing, Transparency Solomon Islands is very much on its heels against the procurement of corrosive capitals and finances that lack transparency, accountability and most importantly people involvement.”
This sentiment was echoed by Ruth Liloqula, the Executive Officer (CEO) of Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI) during her remarks at a Talk-Back show on the national broadcaster, Sunday.
“Solomon Islands should learn from the experiences of other countries in the Asia-Pacific region that are lured into such undertakings and only to end up in debt traps,” she stated.
Liloqula said despite the assurance that the loan proposal is at its exploratory stage, she is of the view that the government must halt the deal and pursue no further.
She stressed that she does not buy the government’s explanation on the proposed loan especially the reference that the minister of Finance is acting within the law in facilitating such loans.
“This is not the way to deal with the people of Solomon Island to whom the sovereignty of this nation rests,” she pointed out.
“Every-time the citizens of the country raise a question or simply want to be heard, we are always silenced or threatened with the law.
“Reading between the lines one could easily tell that the government is going to legitimise its unpopular action by hiding itself behind the law – most notably the discretionary powers of the minister of Finance to do things that would put this country and its future at risk.”
Liloqula said that the powers vested on the minister of Finance do not mean that even if it is abused as in this case, still his actions are right under the law.
She reiterated that as far as Transparency Solomon Island is a concern, the government must do the right thing by revoking the loan proposal in black and white for all to see.
She also registered her disappointment with Chinese officials that they have dug deep and never found the Chinese broker Terry Wong.
“This is a complete lie because Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) had recently interviewed Terry Wong on television and radio,” she said.
According to the interview, it is established that such an agreement is in place.
“I, therefore, call on all Solomon Islanders to stand up and say no to this deal because if it is allowed to go ahead, the future of this country is at stake,” she said.