THE level of literacy and numeracy amongst primary school students in the country has improved greatly since the introduction and implementation of the fee-free basic education policy.
Minister of Education and Human Resource Development, Dick Ha’amori informed parliament of this, Thursday.
Mr Ha’amori said that since its introduction in 2004, the fee-free education policy has not only improved the level of learning amongst students, but has also achieved quality education provided by teachers.
He said that the more education is provided for all students, the more they are eager to learn.
“The vast growth and improvement of both literacy and numeracy levels amongst primary students is evident of the success of the policy today,” he said.
2013 has seen a 66.4 % (percent) improvement in literacy and 66.7 % (percent) improvement in numeracy for year four students, whilst there was also 62.3 % (percent) literacy and 87.6 % (percent) numeracy improvement for students in year six.
“This is by far a great achievement and improvement from the 45% (percent) literacy and 50 % (percent) numeracy levels achieved in 2005.
“These statistics indicate an improvement in the quality of teaching and learning amongst both teachers and primary school students,” Mr Ha’amori said.
Mr Ha’amori added that similar statistics are also shown in a survey conducted on secondary schools.