ANGRY South San Jorge landowners have hired the Whitlam E Togamae law firm to represent them in the case involving the grant of a Prospecting Licence to the Hong Kong-based firm, Far East Resources Company Ltd.
They have issued a four-point plan to the Whitlam Barristers and Solicitors law firm to pursue. Unlike similar cases in the mining sector, this one is different in one aspect. Landowners and the legal firm which represents them – are from Isabel Province
“Far East Resources Company Ltd company was issued a letter of intent for Prospecting licence over South San Jorge tenement,” they said.
“A Surface Access Agreement (SAA) was signed by the landowners and a Prospecting Licence was issued. No copies of the SAA neither the LOI or the PL was disclosed or the PL was disclosed to the landowners. A further letter of Intent for SAA was issued and now the company is attempting to get a Mining Lease [ML].
“In lieu of the above, we hereby agree that your law firm represent us … our immediate instruction is as follows:
- Secure copies of the Letter of Intent (LOI), the Prospecting Licence and Letter of lntent (LOI) for the Mining Lease;
- Ascertain whether the Prospecting Licence conditions were complied with and any other legislative/ordinance requirements;
- Recommend and assist the Trustees/Landowners on the best remedies that are available to the best interest of the landowners; and
- Where necessary, conduct litigations in the best interest of the landowners, the four-point plan agreed in Honiara on Saturday, said.
By Alfred Sasako