THE first “Iumi Tugeda Fo Australia” live Band Concert has kicked off yesterday at the Town Ground Rugby Stadium in Central Honiara.
Government’s Special Committee for Australian Bush Fire Victims in partnership with Friends of the City, the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, MECCDMM, Honiara City Council, HCC and Honiara Band Association, HBA, has hosted the concert.
The theme for the Australian Bushfire Victims fundraising is “Iumi Tugeda Fo Australia,”
Funds raised during the events will go towards the Australian victims affected by the devastated bush fires.
The live Band Concert features performance from various secular and gospel artists and bands in the country.
Cornelius Walegerea Co-Chair Organizing committee when speaking at the opening of the live band concert thanks members of the public for supporting the concert.
“On behalf of the government’s special committee mandated to oversee, support and coordinate the fundraising drive to support our friends in Australia; I would like to thank each and every one of you who are here today and thank you for your support.
“It’s not how much we give but it’s about how much we can offer and give from our hearts that counts. It’s about sharing, caring and giving from one’s heart,’’ he said.
He added that Australia has helped Solomon Islands a lot in times of need and is one of the country’s development partners.
“…and given the scale of destruction and disaster caused by the bush fire, it’s time we reciprocate and give back and help them when they needed the most,’’ said Mr. Walegerea.
He also thanked the Honiara Band Association and the sponsors for making the event possible by organising the concert.
The Iumi Tugeda Fo Australia band aid concert is one of the two band concert organised by the committee.
The second concert will be next month.