A DELEGATION led by the Minister for Agriculture and Livestock leaves for Auki this morning to officiate the launching of the Malaita Integrated Pig and Agriculture Training Center at Adaliua, Central Kwara’ae, Malaita Province.
Augustine Augua, MP for Lau Baelelea Constituency is being accompanied by his Permanent Secretary Jimi Saelea and senior officials from the Ministry, His Excellency Victor Yu, Ambassador ROC (Taiwan) and his officials, Head of Taiwan Technical Mission, Mr. Douglas Moh and TTM Staff in Honiara and Member of Parliament for Central Kwara’ae, and Chairman of Government Caucus – Hon. Jackson Fiulaua.
Among other dignitaries to officiate in the launching will inclde the Premier of Malaita Province Peter Ramohia MPA and his executive members as well as landowners of Adaliua land.
The launching is going to be held at Adaliua, the project site this afternoon.
The official ceremony marked the start of a six years project which is funded by the Republic of China, Taiwan’s International Cooperation Development Fund ICDF, a cordial partnership that the Solomon Islands continues to enjoy with the Taipai government in the area of agriculture for food security and livelihood improvement.
It is aimed at increasing new breeder pigs, improve pig feeding and management, and promote the production of dry land fodder crops as part of livestock feed.
The project will take an integrated approach towards the development of the pig industry in Solomon Islands, including feed formulation and supply, pig raising assistance, environmental health, food safety and market access.
Facilities for agriculture training will also be part of this development meaning farmers and surrounding communities will now be able to be trained on whatever areas of agriculture the center will provide.
The realization of this important project in Central Kwara’ae demonstrated a strong partnership between the registered landowners of the Adaliua Land, who offered their land to host this important programme and their willingness to partner with the Solomon Islands Government, through the Agriculture Ministry, the Taiwan Technical Mission of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the provincial government of Malaita.