ABOUT 13 local nurses contracted to work under the age care sector in Australia have left the country on Friday.
A total of 25 nurses have been engaged to work under a two year contract. The first lot left the country on Friday.
Most of them will work at Old Timers Age Care centre in Alice Spring which is located in the heart of Australia.
The recruitment process followed the demand to look after the elderly people in age care centres.
Most of those who have been engaged in the contact are experienced and qualified nurses who have been working at the National Referral Hospital (NRH) and clinics in Honiara.
Most of them have also completed age care training offered by the Australian Pacific Training Coalition (APTC)
One of the contracted nurses Romity Huka who has been working within the Emergency Department at NRH before joining the recruitment told the paper yesterday that he is excited to be part of the program and looks forward to serving the people in the area for the next 24 months.
He said, most of the nurses have settled down since arriving in Alice Spring over the weekend.
“Its winter right now here and we already miss home and our families,” he said.
This week they are undergoing their induction before commencing work.
Part of the induction is opening their new bank accounts, he added.
Apart from the nurses there a number of locals being recruited to work as receptionist, in the trade sector such as carpenter, hospitality and chef (cooking).
The remaining nurses are expected to fly out to Australia this Friday.