PLANS are well underway to establish a local pig farmers association in the Solomon Islands.
Last Sunday, a large group of concerned pig farmers from Honiara, Guadalcanal, Malaita, and Makira have gathered at the Samsung Café at Kukum, to discuss the formation of the proposed Solomon Islands Pig Farmers Association (SIPFA).
Reports reaching the Solomon Star confirmed that, the idea to set up the body was conceived during a recent pig farmers training, facilitated by the Taiwanese Technical Mission Farm at King George (KGVI).
“A lot of the concerns and expectation from pig farmers in Solomon Islands has prompted the establishment of the association.
“With that, we believed that a collective of concerns via an association would be more vocal, practical and contribute significantly to long term sustainable development,” a statement from the group of farmers stated.
In the first meeting, the pig farmers have discussed a draft constitution that was being prepared by a leading piggery farmer, Eria Kabuere.
He initiated the draft for a number of years already and was keen to gather more support from other piggery farmers in the country.
“The inputs and discussions from the farmers during the initial meeting are envisioned to give the association ownership but most importantly to address long standing issues of piggery owners across the Solomon Islands.
“During the meeting some initial outcomes on the draft constitution were finalized, as well as key issues of concern in the pig sector, capacity and training requirements, membership prerequisites and setting meeting agenda for the next proposed meeting,” the statement added.
The next meeting is being scheduled for this Sunday 26th June 2016, at the same venue – the Samsung Café, near the Guadalcanal Provincial Headquarter at Kukum.
Further information and queries can be made directly to the interim points of contacts, Eria Kabuere on phone 7498142, Paul Damri 7479528, or Jack Martin on mobile 7472015.