LOCAL products are being highlighted and displayed by members of the Solomon Islands of Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG) at the Digicel PNG women in business expo and has attracted a lot of attention.
A team of 8 members attended the event in Port Moresby.
SIWIBA President and team leader Dalcy Tekulu told SIWIBA communication unit from Port Moresby that, “SIWIBA gained the publicity of local products, results has shown that our sales is going on well in the PNG market.”
She said, “the involvement of SIWIBA in expo trading, business networking and SIWIBA awareness as an established organization has gained SIWIBA its place among other relative Women in Business Association in the pacific.”
Mrs Tekulu also stressed that “pricing of our products is a concern however the team is well equipped for any adjustments while it is nice to have people here, show great interest in our products.”
Mrs. Tekulu added; “The timing might be extended to go along with the duration of the games which is good for us and so far there were no real obstacles SIWIBA experienced here.”
Mrs Tekulu acknowledged the PNG Women in Business President Janet Sape for getting this event happening and invited SIWIBA.
She also acknowledged, AusAid through DFAT, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, The Ministry of Labor Commerce and Immigration through its Marketing & Promotion department, the Bank South Pacific (BSP) in Solomon Islands and all members of the association.
The event is currently taking place at the Arts Festival village Waigani, Port Moresby.