THE Melanesian Arts & Cultural Festival (MACFest) Committee is calling on musicians around the country to submit entries for the Festival Theme Song completion which opens this week.
To qualify for the competition, the musician or artist must be a Solomon Islander by origin with a background in music and song writing or musical arrangement.
The winning entry will remain the property of MACFNOC and the Solomon Islands Government while all other entries will be returned to their respective owners and not to be reproduced in anyway.
To enter the competition, a participant has to accept the above cash price award and its related Intellectual Property Rights condition before entering the competition.
The lyrics of the theme song must be reflective of the theme of the festival “Past Recollections; Future Connections”, and relates to the people and culture of Melanesia.
The lyrics may be in English, however, can be able to use some inserts of pijin, Tok Pisin and Bislama as well as French (provided that the meaning is absolutely clear).
The competition will close on April 6th, 2018. A Cash Prize of SBD$10,000 will be awarded to the winning entry which covers the outright payment of the Intellectual Property Rights of the song.
Details of entry requirements and musical arrangements can be obtained from the Director of the Culture Division of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Honiara.