Biosecurity Solomon Islands (BSI) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) has farewelled and thanked their out-going Director Francis Tsatsia last week, who has finally retired after a long and dedicated service as head of the department.
The farewell reception was held on Friday 15th December.
According to supervising BSI Director Jean Eroa, Francis joined the then Solomon Islands Agriculture Quarantine (SIAQ) now BSI in year 2005, as the Principal Plant Protection Officer.
“He then later on took the position as Director in 2011, a post he held for 14 years until his retirement. Francis served the department for a total 20 years.”
Under his leadership Ms Eroa highlighted, “we have achieved so much together (Biosecurity Act 2013), with lots of challenges in the transition period from SI Quarantine to Biosecurity, which has not only driven us towards excellence but has also raised an environment of collaboration, and continuous growth.”

Also sharing their remarks of appreciation for the retired director’s contributions to BSI and agriculture development were the Agriculture Minister Hon. Franklyn Derek Wasi, Permanent Secretary Dr. Samson Viulu, and Counsellor for Human Development at the Australian High Commission embassy.
“Francis as you take steps into the next chapter of your life, we will remember that you leave behind not just a legacy of achievements, but a family of colleagues and friends who have been touched by kindness of spirit and leadership.”
“Francis, we thank you for your guidance, and the countless times you dedicated yourself to the success of BSI. We will miss your presence in the office. We wish you success in your new chapter of life and all the best in your future endeavours. We honour and cherished the legacy you left behind.”
Also farewelled and honouring his dedicated service and contributions to the MAL and Biosecurity is logistic officer Johnson Bonga.