Malaita Provincial Executive says it is unaware nor endorsed any petition by the Honiara-based Malaitans.
A statement issued by the Malaita Provincial Government (MPG) on Monday said the executive has not sighted the petition nor has it endorsed it to formally represent the interest of the entire province.
The Malaita Provincial Government statement said it would work closely with the national government to realise the aspiration of the Malaita people.
In addition, the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening (MPGIS) has not receive any petition from the MPG Provincial Executive.
“In our view, it would sensible if any petitions concerning any provincial issues go through the provincial executive and assembly so that these issues are first discussed by members of the provincial assembly who are the mandated leaders elected by the people from all 33 wards in Malaita. This democratic process has instead been hijacked,” the statement said.
Meanwhile, MPG has called on all its people to respect the state of public emergency and to adhere to our laws and respect all residents of Honiara and the host city, Honiara and Guadalcanal Province.
Most of the issues listed in the petition were already programmed for addressing under both the DCGA and MARA Government policy directions, the statement concluded.