The MARA government’s bold stand against the logging industry operation in Malaita Province has attracted the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a bilateral United States foreign aid agency.
A local representative from MCC Dr. Philip Tagini visited Malaita last week where he met with the Malaita Provincial Premier Daniel Suidani to discuss support Malaita Province could receive from MCC for going into forest conservation and engaging in carbon trading an area that MARA government has been embarking on since its formation back in 2019.
Speaking exclusively to Solomon Star Auki in an interview yesterday, Premier Suidani thanked MCC and their local representative Dr.Tagini for bringing the MCC idea of support to Malaita.
The Malaita Premier said MARA government is now issuing forms to resource owners in Malaita who wish to conserve their forest and benefit from the MCC support through trading carbon from the preserved forest.
“This is the kind of development we want for Malaita Province.
“A development that is sustainable and can benefit rural people without having to exploit their forest as the logging industry did.
“I encourage land-owning groups in Malaita province to come forward and collect a form, fill it up, have your tribal members signed, and identify an area in your customary land that will be put under conservation.
“I encourage those resource owners who see logging as the only source of income to come forward and be part of this great initiative and make a difference and benefit from this great deal,” he said.
Accordingly, carbon trading is the process of buying and selling permits and credits to emit carbon dioxide were the premier said such a deal is a win-win situation for islands like Malaita Province.
He said the MARA government has been introduced to conservation and carbon trading by a visiting team from the Sky Islands last year.
Since then the MARA government has taken the concept on board and wants resource owners in Malaita to engage in the initiative to benefit resource owners and the province as a whole without having to destroy its natural forest.
In Auki