FORMER Malaita premier Edwin Suibaea has urged the newly elected members of the Malaita provincial government to show commitment towards provincial businesses.
Mr Suibaea made the appeal following a poor turn out on several meetings held in recent days.
“New members must not possess the disease that affected old members. There were many absentees during recent important meetings in preparation for the election of a premier,” he said.
Mr Suibaea said he was surprised to see the habit of absenteeism creeping in again with the new members.
“Especially at such an early stage when members should be very active.”
He said only some members attended yesterday’s meeting held for members to take their oaths.
“Only 21 attended the ceremony.”
Clark to assembly Matthew Maefai confirmed that 12 more members are yet to arrive in Auki.
“But we already issued a message to all members about our meetings this week.”
The former premier meanwhile said new members must show commitment and must do it differently from what past members have done.
Mr Suibaea said all members must take their oaths because they represent their people.
The premier’s election is scheduled for Friday this week.
In Auki