Malaita’s Agriculture and Fisheries oriented policy is set on priority areas to get rid of the province’s current money strapped status.
Premier Hon. Peter Ramohia told this paper yesterday that their framework policy being finalized prioritizes key areas needed to be addressed at this stage.
“We tuned the policy to focus on developing the most important key areas.
“My government is doing its best to bring the province back on its feet. Thus strategies to engage robust economic development on those key areas are well outlined in the policy.”
He explained focus of the policy on Agriculture and Fisheries are touching and culturally became livelihood areas to Malaitan people.
“These two lucrative industries are the driving sectors whilst others will connect to it in many ways.”
He also said, views from donor, stakeholders and think-tank of the province will be taken onboard the policy formation.
Premier Ramohia revealed that his executive is done with reviewing of the policy draft late last month and set for translation procedures tomorrow.
“There are changes and additions being made to the document during our previous reviewing panel.”
“We will go through its translating stage whereby all provincial divisional heads and a team from the PM’s office will be presented to do screening and ensuring that bits and digits contained aligned with the DCC strategies.”
Premier Ramohia then explained that during the translating stage each sector is expected to provide priority areas budgeted for, their goals along with list of activities which will be then translated into work plans.
Policy team leader Jackson Gege said, work on editing and readjusting the policy is going on well.
Gege is confident that the policy when translated into activity plans will be perfect.
Last week Permanent Secretary for Provincial Government & Institutional Strengthening Dick Pirione met with the Premier.
Premier Ramohia revealed that they discussed and come to terms with areas that the province should work on.
“We discussed and highlight key areas such as minimum requirement for PGSP funding, capacity building, financial and provide information most relevant to my admin.”
The policy is set for launching end of this month which the PM, aid donors, potential investors are expected to attend.