MALAITA will be the first province in the country to have its very own magazine when it is officially launched next week.
The Malaita Star magazine, a product of leading newspaper company the Solomon Star will on the 19th of this month launch this product which features news, features articles and business advertisements from the province itself.
The launching of the Star Magazine will also coincide with the official opening of the company’s provincial Auki branch.
“This is indeed a new phase of development not only for the company but also the province.
“We are not only venturing out our business arm to the province but also give the opportunity for stories from the province to be featured in their own magazine,” Solomon Star Editor, Ofani Eremae said.
Mr Eremae said that a delegation from Solomon Star headquarters will be traveling to Auki to officially launch the magazine, and made available for people to purchase.
“The magazine itself has a lot of very interesting feature articles, news items and business advertisements that have been collected over the past month.
“We know that people will indeed love it,” Mr Eremae said.
He also added that the management of the company is looking at having monthly publications of the magazine, however added that the response and feedback from the launch of the first edition of the Malaita Star will determine any outcome of such plans.
Meanwhile Malaita Premier Edwin Suibaea also acknowledged the company for coming up with such initiatives which he adds will benefit the province in the long run.
“This only serves to show that as a province we are indeed developing but allowing the media to come in, get stories and features from us and then share to the entire country,” Mr Suibaea said.
Already people have been stopping over the Solomon Star Office in Auki asking for when the new magazine will be ready.
With staff of the branch confirming that the demand for newspapers and the soon to be launched magazine is at an increasing rate.
“We have a lot of customers now than we have ever had and also an increasing number of clients every day.
“We hope that with the launching of the magazine and the official opening of the office, we will have even more clients and customers then we have now, which is at an increasing rate every day,” Solomon Star Auki Branch Sales Officer, George Lamani said.
In Auki